NSDL Jiffy Checksum

Platform App version App Checksum
ANDROID 2.8.4 07b6c4cbaff0510370c0763c5d999289
ANDROID 2.8.4 7e4d9fb3d017ff60e68fb55c43af8c63
iOS 2.8.4 a840fa9dee4d986f2035c08256494490

A checksum is a value used to verify the integrity of a file or a data transfer. In other words, it is a sum that checks the integrity of data/file; this assures the receiver that the files/data has not been compromised.

Features of Checksum Validation

  • To verify that the content in the file is of integral nature
  • To confirm that the file has neither been altered by unauthorized third party,nor been damaged during the transfer process across the internet
  • To act as signature of the file

